Wednesday, August 19, 2020

All U.S. Government Entities Should ONLY Employ People with COLLEGE DEGREES

Dear America,

I have realized that our U.S. Government entities SHOULD ONLY employee people with 4-year degrees aka a BACHELORS.

I have had some WEIRD situations with government staff in the pass and it can be very FRUSTRATING.

Unemployment in California (EDD)

I received unemployment in California and I had to deal with POOR Employment Development Department (EDD) staff who wanted to use my MONEY to pay their rent and get errands done.

They wanted to "SHOW ME POWER" and they also wanted to PRETEND that they KNEW me.

They also STALKED me on-line on the 50 MILLION FACEBOOK STALKER PAGE.

The person STOLE $20,000 - $40,000 from VARIOUS CLIENTS over a few years.

Reporting & Documentation

I made sure to report ALL their ERRORS and MISTAKES. The EDD of CA failed to:

1. Give me mail to CONFIRM my unemployment

2. Did NOT return phone calls

3. Did NOT leave voicemails

4. Did NOT send me mail to address the ERRORS in the CLAIM amounts


My reporting WORKED and I received ALL my UNEMPLOYMENT MONEY on-time and had MY VICTORY.

High School Diploma

Our government entities NEED stronger and MORE EDUCATED staff that is NOT:

1. Greedy

2. Trying to LIVE someone else's life

3. filled with POOR SELF-ESTEEM and waiting for others to SAVE THEM

4. Ghetto

5. Low Class

All U.S. Government Entities Should ONLY Employ People with COLLEGE DEGREES.

Violations with U.S. Government Entities

If you have issues with people at ANY U.S. government entities, please make sure to REPORT them.

There are many different ways to due so:

1. Department of Consumer Affairs

2. Better Business Bureau (BBB)

3. Department of Wage & Hour

Love and Light,

Tanya Thomas (aka Ten Nebula)







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