Monday, August 19, 2024

Where has Ten been? What has been Happening with Ten Nebula (Tanya Thomas)?

Hello Beautiful People,

I wanted to explain to you why I haven't been blogging and making new videos.

I explained to you that I have recently been diagnosed with a mental illness....schizophrenia.

My schizophrenia got me evicted from my wonderful studio apartment in San Francisco. After that, I bounced around the SF shelter system for 2 years. Now, I am housed, living at survival level, and residing in Tenderloin, San Francisco. 

Tenderloin is a really rough neighborhood. It is less of a hood and more of a slum. It if filled with drug abuse, people with mental illnesses, poverty, and homelessness. 

I hope maybe one day I have enough money that I can create a non-profit her to help out the neighborhood.

Now, I am ready to get back to my work (blogs, videos, websites, etc...The Ten Nebula Empire). 

I am dusting off myself and starting again in rebuilding my life.

Just for clarity, I want the public to understand that I have always held a job to support myself. My online work has been more about connecting to my passions & the heart and doesn't pay for my livelihood.

Well, I am excited! Wish me luck!

In Light and Love,

Ten Nebula (Tanya Thomas) 

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