Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Lifting the Burdens (From The Science of Mind Magazine)

He who clearly and distinctly understands himself and his

emotions Loves God, and does so the more, the more he

understands himself and his emotions

— Benedict de Spinoza

WHATEVER THE MISTAKES of yesterday may have been, today is a New Creation. Turning from the errors of the past and no longer carrying with us the sorrows and mistakes of yesterday, today we may enter a new experience. But it is only when we forgive ourselves and everyone else that we may feel certain that the weight of condemnation is lifted from our consciousness.

            Therefore, I know: There is no animosity, no criticism, no hatred in me. I lose all condemnation. I judge not and the mistakes of yesterday are rendered powerless. I know that my every right motive has the blessing of the Spirit and that there is nothing which opposes this blessing or denies this Divine givingness.

           I permit my inward vision to penetrate every apparent obstruction, every obstinate attempt to cover up the Divine, every ignorant misuse of the Law.

          Definitely I know that every negative condition of the past is cleared away from my consciousness. I no longer think about it, see it or believe in it. Nor do I believe that it has any effect whatsoever in my experience today. Today is a new beginning. Steadfastly beholding the fact of Divine Reality, I resolve to walk in that light wherein there is no darkness.

— From “Spiritual Awareness,” 1972; pages 40 – 41

believe that the Spirit within me, which is God, makes Perfect and Peaceful the way before me!
This comes from The Science of Mind Magazine
Dr. Ernest S. Holmes (1887-1960)
He founded the Religious Science movement, now called Centers for Spiritual Living, as well as the Science of Magazine.
Contributing editor Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings compiled the
book “The Essential Ernest Holmes” (Tarcher/Putnam, 2002)

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