Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Google, Can You Please Fix Blogger? From a Big Fan, Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)

Written & Created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)

Hello Google,

I wanted to let you know that I love you and we love you but you have been neglecting Blogger for awhile. There are these gliches in Blogger that can be fixed ASAP which would make Blogger that much better.

The example below is from my blog "The Basics of meditating"

Negative Examples: 
1. The templates are disorganized. See below.
2. The archive tool does not scroll down ANYMORE.
3. You are NOT allowed to have more than 10 posts per page but the template allows more, like 40.
4. There are BLOCKS OF WHITE that surround the words, when you DON'T want it.
5. The SIZES of FONTS in the posts are TOO BIG and show up as ABNORMAL, at times.

Positive Examples: 
1. We can USE YOUTUBE VIDEOS on the blog.
2. Blogger is FREE.
3. Blogger is GREAT for ACTIVISTS.
5. You CAN put TONS OF TAGS you like, even more EASIER than before.

Richest Woman in America at $100 Billion - Tanya Thomas
Google, I LOVE BLOGGER and I know you don't RESPECT IT much because it is NOT a cash cow but I would be HAPPY  to PURCHASE IT FROM YOU when I get my BIG FACEBOOK LAWSUIT MONEY. Quote me! 

Please and thank you,

Tanya Thomas

Friday, June 5, 2020

Facebook is Destroying Instagram!!!!! If You Don't Really Want Instagram, You Shouldn't Have Bought it, Zuckerberg

Written & Creator by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula) on 6/5/2020

Hello My Big World,

I am here to report that Facebook is destroying Instagram.

They are making it WORST. Here is how:

1. They make it more difficult to monetize your Instagram.
2. It is harder to leave comments because you can barely see the screen when typing.
3. They don't want the actual number of LIKES to show. They want it to be SECRET. I don't like it. It makes everyone look the SAME when they are NOT.

millions, thousands, & others like this post 
actual numbers like 34,000,000 - 56,000 - 189 like this post

4. The timeline/ the main page of posts is NO LONGER in chronological order. You can't see the latest of those you follow.

Example: posted 50 minutes ago,  posted 2 days ago, posted 9 minutes ago,  posted 6 hours ago

Some positives they made to Instagram:

1. We now have 10 posts allowed, instead of 1.
2. You are allowed video up to 5 minutes, instead of only 1 minute.

Facebook get yourself together. You don't like Instagram. You only purchased it to make people think that Facebook was better. Instagram was wonderful before you CORRUPTED IT. Facebook is just JEALOUS of Instagram and the NIGGERS OWN IT. 


My Beautiful America, 
Let Facebook know what you think about them by contacting them on social media.

Lots of Love,

Ten Nebula / Tanya Thomas
Activist, Healer, Artist
The Richest Woman in America at $100 Billion Dollars- 
50 Million Stalkers Facebook Page Lawsuit

See you soon in court, Facebook 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍!!!

Learn More, Visit my blog "Say No to Cyberstalking & Cyberbullying"