I send light and love to all places and organizations that focus on media.I send light and love to all films and filmmakers.
I send light and love to all actors and actresses.
I send light and love to all singers.
I send light and love to all dancers.
I send light and love to all writers.
I send light and love to all performers.
I send light and love to all stars.
I send light and love to all publishing houses.
I send light and love to all magazine houses.
I send light and love to all broadcasting companies.
I send light and love to all news stations, newspapers and news anchors.
I send light and love to all people in the industry.
We need more health in our media.
We need more positivity in our media.
We need more integrity in our media.
We need more love in our media.
We need more truth in our media.
We need more balance in our media.
We need more care in our media.
May we honor all body sizes.
May we be more accepting of other's flaws.
May we allow each other more space.
May we be more of who we really are.
May we give each other greater privacy.
May we honor each other's boundaries.
May we give each other more freedom to be.
May we love each other from a deeper place.
There is no machine.
There are only people.
There are only thoughtforms.
There are only mass thoughtforms.
These thoughtforms can change.
They can change for the better.
I can make a change.
You can make a change.
This is my love letter to Hollywood.
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