Monday, May 2, 2016

Happy Beltane!!!!!

Beltane Greetings ! 

As we approach this Turn of the Wheel, Beltane, May 1, we find ourselves at the midway point between the celebration of Her High Holy days of Imbolc and Summer Solstice. In the northern hemisphere, we are in a blissfully beautiful and rainy spring, basking in the increasing light that moves us toward the height of light at Summer Solstice in June.

During this season of Beltane, along with our Earth Mother, we celebrate the fertilizing of the seeds we have planted at Spring Equinox and the rebalancing and intertwining of the masculine and feminine principles that are symbolically represented in dancing the May Pole. 

As Starhawk so eloquently says it: 
"This is the time when sweet desire weds wild delight! The maiden of Spring and the Sun Lord meet in the greening fields and rejoice together. The shaft of life is twined in a spiral web and all of nature is renewed!! We meet in the time of flowering, to dance the dance of life."

Beltane asks us to pay attention to where we actually are in the integration of male and female within us, personally and planetarily. As we do our own inner work to balance these polarities within, they reflect out into the planetary collective, so it is an essential work that we do to consciously reflect and act on this re-balancing process within. 

Many are unaware that they have an inner male (animus) and female (anima), but whether we are aware of it or not, the balance of these parts of us is affecting our every expression in the world. As we become more aware and clear up distortions in these reflections, our world re-balances on the outside. It doesn't take looking very far to see the outer imbalances in the distortion and denigration of the feminine aspect of Self in ourselves and nature. So, symbolically, we dance the Maypole with consciousness, to bring awareness to where we are in this process of re-balancing.

May the alchemical principle "As above. So Below. As within. So without," joyfully manifest in the world around us! May we dance the dance of life in balance together this Beltane, whether that is in person, or etherically in meditation. 

Let us bring awareness to this process of integration within by celebrating our collective effect, especially now on the "acupuncture point" of potentized power that this Turn of the Wheel represents!

- Writings from Sanctuary of the Open Heart newsletter

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