Monday, May 21, 2018

The Royal Wedding

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle St. George's Chapel in Windsor I wanted to just share my view on how much our world is changing. Yes, there is injustice. Yes, there is poverty. Yes, there is war. But as a whole, we are changing. We are becoming more connected. We are more aware of each other's pain. We are more accepting. We are doing more good. We are releasing these old limitations around how we live our lives. This marriage is a huge step and symbol of how we have progressed. The fact that that Meghan is biracial, American, divorced, raised in Los Angeles, an actress and getting married into royalty is unheard of. I wish them the best and for their union to be healthy, bright, and healing for many. As light beings and rainbow warriors, keeping doing your work everyday out in the world. Do your prayers, affirmations, dreamwork, Reiki, lightwork, spells, altarwork, daily spiritual practice,etc. It all helps!! #Breakoldtraditionsthatkeepyoulimited #letgooffear #lovewhoyoulove #behappy #Youcandowhatyourheartdreamsof #BlessedBe

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