Monday, December 30, 2013

Being Grateful for 2013...Moving Forward Gladly Into 2014

I am very grateful to and for 2013
I have experienced alot of good in this year
and learned many new lessons
and revisited some old ones
It is all good, It is all The Goddess

In 2013, I say "Thank you, Divine Source" ......
- for my life and my path
- for being a sacred servant to The Goddess
- for all my spiritual family (family & friends)
- to my divine and christ self, my spirit guides, my animal power spirits, my guardian angel, and those etheric being who work personally with me
- for all the loving, healthy relationships in my life
- for my beautiful boyfriend
- for all my work, businesses, and projects (lots of fun!)
- for my lovely home
- to Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA
- for my perfect health and well-being
- for my willingness to heal and clear all aspects of my life and my being
- for all my clients, fans, supporters, visitors, and donors
- for all the support from my community
- for my self-love, my self-trust, my self-respect, my high self-esteem, my self-confidence, my self-acceptance, and my self-appreciation
- for my spiritual growth
- for all my money that I recieve each day
- for all the blessings I recieve each day
- for my daily spiritual practice
- for being powerful and courageous in my truth
- for being bigger than any challenge in my life
- for my beauty, inside and out
- to all my holographic selves (yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!)
- for my divine faith and being able to stretch that faith each day
- to my hometown, New York (I will see you in 2014)
- for the shadow and the ego and all the lessons it teaches me
- for being open to releasing all that no longer serves me in ease, light, love, and spaciousness
- for all the illusions that are leaving my life, right now
- for becoming more of my authentic self each day
- "Thank You" to The Great Mother Goddess who is my Source, Center, and Foundation... you have my back and you are my everything

I am looking forward to starting new in 2014 (big smile)!!!!!!!!
I am looking forward to my new pagan/ Goddess new year that will start soon!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year, Everyone!!!!!!

And so it is !!!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Divine Source Wants the Best For Me. I Will Have All of It. Thank You!!!!

Your Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want.
Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything.
Your Inner Being would want you to fulfill every wish and whim that you could identify.


Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on April 14, 1998

Our Love,

Esther Hicks (and Abraham and Jerry)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have a Great Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!!!

To all of you bright beings out there in the world...
Have a great Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!

Love and light,

Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Winter Solstice, Everyone!!!!!!

Peace and light, Divine Children

Happy Winter Solstice!!!!!!
(Dec 20-23)

I am soo grateful to the Autumn and the death mother.
I am so grateful for all the blessings and lessons it brought me.

The Winter is ruled by the Crone
It works with the principles of wisdom, clarity, and self-reflection.
It is ruled by the element of air which deals with mindfulness and connecting with spirit.

I am looking foward to the winter and all its beautiful gifts.
I hope you will make the solstice great for yourself

For the new season, you may want to clear and clean to make space for the new.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Clean out your closets
2. Give away clothes and items you no longer need
3. Let go of old friends and acquantices that no longer serve your path
4. Clean out those computer files
5. Give your home a cleaning
6. Give yourself a spiritual bath
7. Clean your altars
8. Throw out any old papers, mail or letters
9. Write that letter or email to that person you have been needing to talk to
10. Clean out your email accounts
11. Clean up your office or work space
12. Donate or sell any books you don't use
13. Have a garage sale
14. Clean our your car

Bright Blessings!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Beautiful Life

Thank you, Goddess, for my beauty, inside and out!
Thank you, Goddess, for my courage to be who I am!
Thank you, Goddess, for my passions and dreams!
Thank you, Goddess, for my divine intelligence!
Thank you, Goddess, for all the abundance that is in all aspects of my life!
Thank you, Goddess, for my perfect and right work!
Thank you, Goddess, for my power!
Thank you, Goddess, for my wonderful path!
Thank you, Goddess, for this new day!
Thank you, Goddess, for my blessed life!

There is only you and I am grateful!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

No More Compromising (Smile)

If you limit your choices only to what

seem possible or reasonable, you disconnect

yourself from what you Truly want, and

all that IS left is compromise.

- Quote by Robert Fritz

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fine, Fine, Fine

Let it go……
Can’t let this thing called love get away from you
Feel free right now, going do what you want to do
Can’t let nobody take it away, from you, from me, from we
No time for moping around, are you kidding?
And no time for negative vibes, cause I’m winning
It’s been a long week, I put in my hardest
Gonna live my life, feels so good to get it right

- Excerpt from "Just Fine" by Mary J. Blige

Friday, December 6, 2013

Blessing and Thanks to Nelson Mandela!!!!

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 1918 – 2013

Many blessings and thanks to the spirit who is Nelson Mandela
An amazing being who showed great courage and leadership during his time on the planet

We appreciate your shining example!!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Aligning My Thinking With Infinite Intelligence

My thoughts are aligned with right answers.
I know---wisely---what to do and when to do It, and what to say and when to say It.

Today, and everyday, I consciously align my thinking with Infinite Intelligence. I look beyond appearances to see the glory of The Goddess Present in every person, situation, and circumstance in My Life.

(Taken from SOM magazine)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thank You, Goddess......

Thank You, Goddess, for being a Warrior!!!!
Thank you, Goddess, for all the Warriors in my life!!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Release The Out-Dated

We are continuously living a new

Life, and when the old and the and new do not fit nicely together,

the old---being no longer able to contain the new ---should be discarded
(Taken from SOM Book by Ernest Holmes)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Growth Spurts.....Soul Evolution in Autumn

Have you noticed that you're feeling some waves of uncertainty moving through your mind and body? Let's just call all of this, growth spurts. With each step in your process of evolution, there's a death of old ways, moving into a birth of something new. 

You're in transition with old paradigms dissolved, looking for familiar references to leap from, for new ways of being. Some may feel excited about possible new opportunities, and you may feel you're suffering trying to feel comforted by outdated memories and old limiting patterns of behavior.

It seems confusing and you might feel unclear of what you even want anymore, and still not sure what has even changed. You must live in the moment and trust that your soul knows the way. Although things seem open ended, have faith and trust in letting go of attachments to the past. Allow yourself to be directed to new goals that will serve you more efficiently. Your soul has all answers to questions arising, so be more introspective during the winter months to receive proper guidance from within. Allow for heightened states of awareness, while simultaneously clearing through depths of past confusion. Your life will unfold, so enjoy the ups, downs and spinning around only to find that you'll be placed exactly where you need to be.

Light & Love,
Jodi Serota

Monday, November 25, 2013

When You Are Empowered, You Don't Feel Insecure.

No human would ever do anything to harm another if Connected to Source because when you're Connected, you're empowered; you don't feel insecure. And when you don't feel insecure, you don't need to do something to somebody else that you're afraid of, because you're not afraid. You understand that Well-Being is yours.


Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on February 27, 2005

Our Love,
Esther Hicks (and Abraham and Jerry Hicks)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Do you, I will "Do Me" (smile)

So many people need you to behave in a certain way for them to feel good. They condemn you for your selfishness. "How dare you be so selfish as to follow what makes you feel good? You should follow what makes us feel good."  At an early age, you were convinced that you weren't smart enough to know and that somebody else should make the decisions... You could not live in this culture during the times of your life without getting a huge amount of information relative to that, just in the way people respond to the things you do and say.


Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on February 21, 2004

  Our Love,

Esther Hicks (and Abraham and Jerry Hicks)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Do What I Love

Let yourself be silently drawn by

the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray.

- Quote by Rumi

Monday, November 18, 2013

I Am thankful for everything

Today, and everyday, I Am thankful for everything and have no complaints whatsoever.

365 inspiring bible verses to change your life-Joel Fotinos & August Gold
What ever you meet in life that seems

difficult, or even impossible, remember

this; It IS in you to do It. An what

a privilege to prove this amazing

fact at every opportunity.

---Christian D. Larson

Friday, November 15, 2013

New Prices at Ten Nebula Healing Space (THS)

Peace and light, Everyone

THS is offering new prices starting in the month of November 2013.
Be sure to also check out the monthly special discounts.

Please make a note of it.

Ten nebula

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Very Exciting!!!!!!!

I am now on Instagram. Join and Follow me "Ten nebula" on Instagram.

Bright Blessings!!!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

There is So Much Love and Good

Pssst... Hey, gorgeous!

Want to know a secret?

Everything in your life is a symbol.

A reflection. A clue. A reminder.

Of what you understand, and of what you don't, made manifest.

Look to the beauty for truth. And to what hurts, for its beauty.

Your biggest fan,
The Universe

(taken from

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It is all a practice

It is all a practice
a spiritual practice
each moment
coming back to the truth
getting quiet in the moment
getting bigger and stronger
going along with life
staying in faith
listening to my truth
and trusting myself and life
It is all a part of my daily spiritual practice

I am grateful for the ability to heal, grow, and expand
I am grateful for the strength, power, and focus to move forward
I am grateful for all the lessons

Thank you to The Autumn!!!!!!!
Thank You to Death Mother & season that brings change and renewal!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Spiritual Vision

I have a Spiritual vision within me which beholds a Perfect Universe Daily, this vision guides me to success, happiness, Prosperity, and physical and well-being. My Spiritual vision is open---I Am awake to the grater possibility.

(Taken from the SOM magazine)

Today, and everyday, I focus not on my problems, but on The Goddess’s solutions.
(Taken from - Joel Fotinos & August Gold)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Know My Life IS FREE from Limitation‏

Today, and everyday,
nothing keeps me down;
I keep rising
and walking on.
(from 365 inspiring bible verses to change your life-Joel Fotinos & August Gold)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Merge with the Infinite‏

Today, and everyday, I consciously merge with the Infinite.
My real Spirit IS omnipresent in The Goddess, secure in Good,
and Perfect in Divine Being.

(Taken from SOM magazine)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Keep My Mind Open to Divine Thought

In  the knowledge of The Goddess’s Presence today,   I guard  all my thoughts . Seeing to It that nothing emanates from my consciousness other than that which blesses, builds, and heal.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Nothing disturbs my Spirit

I know that the Changeless abides with me. I am calm and peaceful in the midst of confusion. I know that nothing disturbs my Spirit. Peace, Infinite Peace, IS at the Center of My Being. I Live, move, and have my Being in that which IS perfect, complete within Itself. That Self IS MySelf.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Trust in Divine Guidance‏

Today, and everyday, I rely upon Divine guidance to make straight my way, perfecting and harmonizing, every situation in my life.

My belief is in this Divine security, and I know that all is not only well with me and my affairs, but also well with those with whom I associate.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Everyday, I Recognize That I Am Perfect‏

Today, and everyday, I Recognize that I Am Perfect Being, living under Perfect conditions, knowing that the Good alone IS real. I know to that It IS the only answer in my life. Everything that I think, say, or do IS from the Spiritual viewpoint of The Goddess in everything.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Giving Thanks!!!!

It is wonderful to wake up each day
to find so many things to be grateful for
to focus my energy on what serves me
to walk in my daily spiritual practice
to walk in light
to love and be love
and to have enough awareness to acknowledge it all

Giving thanks to the Divine Source!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

All is Well, All is Good

I Know that The Goddess is within me and that this Divine Spirit IS Perfect.

I enter into Its Peace, secure with a sense of Its protection. Love guides and Intelligence directs me.

The Power of the Infinite sustains and upholds me.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Moving Above and Beyond

My life is enhanced when I go beyond what is already known. 
I welcome new ideas and visions to improve my experiences.

(Taken from the SOM Magazine)

Friday, September 20, 2013


We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

- Quote by Aristotle

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Nature of The Divine

There are laws of the Universe,
and if you practice them they
will respond to you.
- Quote by Michael Bernard Beckwith

Friday, September 13, 2013


Imagination IS everything.
It IS the preview to life’s
coming attractions.
---Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My life IS joy-filled now (smile)

My life IS joy-filled now.
I take pleasure in the fruits of my creation.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)


Sunday, September 8, 2013

We Create Our Our Lives

GOD/The Goddess/ The Divine Source is not helping anyone defeat anyone.
The only one that can ever defeat any of you is yourself.


Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on August 4, 2001

Our Love,

Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Being Washed Clean By The Divine...Each Day

We must relight the torch of our imagination
by “fire caught from heaven.” We must
remain faithful to the vision, for a realization
of the Presence of The Divine Goddess IS the secret
Power of our work.
(Taken from the SOM Book)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Winners, I Am convinced, imagine their dreams first.
They want It with all their heart and expect
It to come True.
There IS, I believe,
no other way to live.
- Quote by Joe Montana

Friday, August 30, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Feeling it!!!!!!!!

I give in to the fresh and spontaneous in my mind and work. 
Grateful for all previous success,
I allow a new vision to sweep me up
and carry me into unforeseen creative genius.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Today, and everyday,
I walk the Divine path to the Life
The Divine Mother Goddess intended for me.

Now I Am whole and complete.
At all times and in all ways, I Am immersed in Spirit, safe and secure. 
All aspects of my self work together, expressing at the very center of The Goddess.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Everything Keeps Getting Better

If summer resisted fall, it wouldn't really be summer or fall.

Better to celebrate the season you're in... especially those of your wonderful life.

Everything keeps getting better,
The Universe

(Taken from

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I Feel Good About All That I Am Doing in My Life

I feel like my true self
I feel good
I feel that I am following my path
I feel that I am doing my part
I feel that I am doing the work my soul calls me to do
I feel that everything is right in my world
I feel that all is possible
and I am grateful
that I am courageous enough, focus enough, dedicated enough, creative enough,
clear enough, and centered enough to follow my own truth, my source, and the will of my divine self

All is well!!!!

And so it is!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

I Am So Focused and So Clear (Big Smile)......

Get so fixated on what you want,
that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want.


Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on October 2, 2004

Our Love,

Esther Hicks (and Abraham and Jerry Hicks)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

...And with The Goddess I Can Do Everything.

Today, and everyday, I know that without The Great Mother Goddess I can do nothing,
and with The Goddess I can do everything.

Taken from "365 inspiring bible verses to change your life"-
by Joel Fotinos & August Gold

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Anything you can dream of.......

Anything you can dream of is not too great for you to undertake.
(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Monday, August 12, 2013

I stay on course for my dreams to come True.

I stay on course for my dreams to come True.
I walk through my day knowing that my good, my truth, my light, my well-being, my Divine Source, My Goddess surrounds me.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Am Supported By The Divine

The majesty of all that divine mind, The Goddess, can do fascinates and delights me.
By It, I can accomplish anything.
Inner resources manifest themselves in Perfect timing for every occasion I rise to.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My New Direction....Moving from LA to San Francisco Bay Area

Peace and light, Everyone

I am making the move from Los angeles, CA to San Francisco Bay Area this August. I am grateful for all my time living in LA. I have been able to heal, grow, rediscover myself, ground further into my visions and learn so much. Thanks to all the clients, new friends I made, & healing experiences in LA.

I will be sure to visit.

I look forward to moving along on my spiritual path in the Bay Area.

I have always loved it there.
The energy is so high there.
 I trust it will be interesting, fun, full of light, and feel wonderful.


Monday, August 5, 2013

My Path IS Made Easy and The Way Straight.

I unify with my inner states, knowing the attitude I carry around with me
makes the difference.
What I seek and find serves all life.
The path IS made easy and the way straight.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Other People's Opinions of Me Are None of My Business.

Other people's opinions of me are none of my business.
I Am my own authority.
I love everyone but bow to no one.
I stand in full acceptance of my own greatness.

(Taken from The SOM Magazine)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I Am Not Moved By Appearances

I Am not moved by appearances;
therefore, appearances move.
I Am strong, and I Am a Perfect fit for the world in which I find myself.

Today, and everyday, I go where The Great Mother Goddess would have me go, and do what The Goddess would have me do.

(Taken from SOM Magazine)

Monday, July 29, 2013

The art of Living, The art of Thriving, The art of Clarity

The only thing that makes the difference in the way you feel right now is the thought that you are thinking right now. It doesn't matter how much money you've got; there are joyful people with no money, and there are unhappy people with lots of money. How you feel is about how you are allowing the Source that is You to flow. So when we talk about the Art of Allowing, we're talking about the art of living; about the art of thriving; about the art of clarity. We're talking about the art of being who you really are.


Excerpted from the workshop in Ashland, OR on July 20, 2002

Our Love,
Esther Hicks (and Abraham and Jerry Hicks)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dreams Come True (Mine Are, too!!!!) (Big Grin!!!!)

Dreams come true, that's what they do. The only variable is when.

For the slow approach: Resist. Attach. Insist. Deny. Stop. Second guess. Whine. Argue. Defend. Protest. Cry. Struggle. And ask others, when you know the answer yourself.

For the quick approach: Visualize. Pretend. Prepare. Dodge. Roll. Serpentine. Do not waiver over intentions, but over methods. Show up, even when nothing happens. And give thanks in advance. 

You knew that,

The Universe

(Taken from

Monday, July 22, 2013

I look toward a bright future (smile)

I look toward a bright future from an empowered present moment.
I stand in the now and create my best future from a consciousness of love, light, joy, clarity and centeredness.

(Excerpt from the Science of Mind Magazine)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Being A Warrior of Light

I dance to the sound of my own drum
I create my own reality
I take responsiblity for myself and my life
I commit to my path and spiritual growth
I am willing to heal and clear the outdated
I move in fearlessness and grace
I ignore the opinions of lower vibrational beings and the world around me
I hear only the truth of my Divine Self
I answer the call
I stand in Light
I stand in Ma'at

I am a Warrior of Light

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Being Comfortable

When you are always comfortable, there is little or no growth
When you allow yourself to move outside of your comfort zone,
you become challenged
you think more
you get more creative
you can allow spirit to guide you more
you access different aspects of yourself
you grow
you become more empowered (smile)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Special Shout Out.....

To my wonderful Divine Self and to my Higher/ Christ Self (smile)!!!!

I am on my path
Making my adjustments
Moving past the illusions
Grounding more into my practice and truth
and becoming better, more free and bigger for it

Thank you for your guidance and direction!

I am grateful!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Being Great

What makes someone great...
is their ability to move past the illusions, doubts, fears, opinions of others, criticism, rejections with their dreams, faith and integrity in tack.

Written by Ten Nebula

Friday, July 5, 2013

I Love The Divine Spiral of Life!!!!

Divine Mother,

I love the spiral of life
I love my daily practice
I love my growth
I love my courage
I love my creativity
I love my path
I love all the good I receive
I love all the good I have
I love the opportunities that make me greater
I love how my lessons come around
and I can re-learn, re-birth, re-discover, re-define, and remember more of who I am

Life is good
and I am grateful

And so it is!!!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Healing does not mean ....

Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before,
but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to The Divine Goddess.
- Quote by Ram Dass

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Special Thanks & Blessing to the spirit of "Amorah Quan Yin"

Amorah Quan Yin was a psychic healer, channeler, writer and founder of teh Dolphin star Temple Mystery school. She did wonders while on the planet. She died in June 2013.
Her work helped many of us light and love workers to find our path and to heal ourselves.
I am very grateful that I have had the chance to use her work and be in communication with her while she was here on the planet. Thank You, Amorah!!!

Thank you to all the amazing healers, psychics, shamans, metaphysicians, witches, mediums, channelers, Buddhas, ascended masters, wizards, spiritual leaders and Bodhisattvas who worked with light, love, and the divine will while existing on the planet and have left us great teachings & examples!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Life is My Business

There’s an old saying:

“There’s my business. There’s your business. There’s The Goddess’s business. The only one you should be dealing with is your business.”

When we’re poking into someone else’s business, we’re simply distracting ourselves from dealing with our own business.

(Taken from The Science of Mind Magazine)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Everyday, I am becoming.....

I am becoming more...
of who I truly am
trusting of myself & my source
aligned with wealth consciousness
focused on my truth
focused on my good
allowing of the divine to move through & as me and my life

I am grateful for each day!!!!!

And so it is!!!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

We Won't Stop

Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
We run things, Things don’t run we
We don't take nothing from nobody

Dedicated to All my high vibrational beings out there (smile)

(Lyrics from song "We can't stop" by Miley Cyrus)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Summer Solstice!!!!!!

Happy Summer Solstice (June 20-22)!!!!!!!!

Special shout out to all my lightworkers, loveworkers, fans, supporters, pagans, witches, wizards, wiccans, and personal spiritual family of light!!!!!

Make it  a great season!!!!!!

Bright Blessings (smile)!!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day!!!!!

Happy Father's Day!!!!!

Peace and Love to My Dad
Peace and Love to My Grandfathers
Peace and Love to my uncles and cousins who are fathers
Peace and Love to the spirits of all my Great Grandfathers and their fathers before them
Peace and Light to all the men who take care of their children
Peace and Light to all the men who make quality time for their children
Peace and Light to all the men who want to raise healthy, positive, and bright children
Peace and Light to all the men who want to be good role models to their children
with right thinking, right words, and right action
Peace and Light to all the men who practice responsiblity and accountablity in caring for their creations
Peace and Light to all the men who are dads on the planet

Happy Father's Day!!!!!
From Ten Nebula

Friday, June 7, 2013

Honoring The Sacred Self!!!!!

I put myself first in my life
I follow my truth
I stick to my center
I am rewarded with light and abundance

I honor my sacred self
I give my energy to what serves me
I share my energy with those I love
and I focus on what I want

because I am bright
I may attract jealously
I may attract negativity from people who feel smaller than me
I may attract toxic people who want to be near my light
I may attract lies from lower vibrational people who want me to be like them
because misery likes company
I may become the center of attention for dense beings who are thirsty for energy and light
I may attract toxic people who obsess over me because their lives are filled with meaningless activities and they want to feel like their lives have more meaning or value

but because I am so bright
I attract goodness
I attract kindness
I attract positive opportunities
I attract great health
I attract divine prosperity
I attract healthy, loving relationships
I attract divine ideas
I attract high vibrational people
I attract divine guidance
I attract power
I attract safety
I attract strength
I attract grace and harmony

To all the light and loveworkers....
remember that it is still Spring Season
and you can still do spring cleaning in your life

Clear out all those lower vibrational people in and around your life
don't waste your time, energy, or power on them
don't argue, pay attention, energize or try to change them
(only act if spirit calls you to)
let them be

lower vibrational people seek energy, power, light, attention from others
when they really just need to focus on healing their own lives and issues
but they will get around to that when they develop that bravery within themselves

Keep your light for yourself and share it only with those who will respect it

Honor your sacred self!!!!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Baby, I Am A Star

And I am not going to stop
until I reach the top (smile)

(from "Baby, I am a Star" song by Prince)

Friday, May 31, 2013

I have a Multi-Millionaire's Mind!!!!!

I am on my abundant path
doing what I love
following my truth
listening to my intuition
and allowing myself to be divinely guided
All is well!!!! And I am greatful!!!!!

I am on my path to becoming a multi-millionaire

And so it is!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spiritual Well-Being

We hold the balance
We hold the light
We are changemakers
and the darkness can't stop us
the darkness will never stop us

We are forever

Friday, May 24, 2013


A new me on a new day
New videos to expand my work and passions
A lovely new home in Los angeles in a beautiful neighborhood
to support & nurture me
New thoughts
New dreams
New energies
New Ideas

I continue to walk my beautiful path on this beautiful new day
Fully support by my Source

And I give thanks!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Prefer

I prefer my path of light
I prefer to be amongst higher vibrational beings
I prefer to share my words and thoughts with those who are healthy
I prefer to be around people who live in the light
I prefer to be around people who think positively
I prefer people who are strong
I prefer people who are clear
I prefer people who think for themselves
I prefer people who want the best for themselves
I prefer people who want the best for the whole
I prefer people who are on their spiritual path

I prefer to be around people like me......

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Delicious New Week

It is quite nice
being a light worker
being spiritually aware
being courageous
being open to source energy

It is quite nice
seeing the good
living life from a place of light
practicing gratitude

It is quite nice...
being me

Thank You, Source!!!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rebirthing Myself In LA


I am feeling great and focused
I am rebirthing myself
soo many great things to put my energy towards
soo many fun things to you
soo much that I am inspired to do

The universe is my source
and the divine is talking to me at each step
what can stop me

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Creating The ExtraOrdinary

It is wonderful... the process of creation
the allowing
the clarity
the planning
the good feelings
the excitement
the focus
the newness
the possibility
the positive expectation
the co-creation with The Divine

I love it!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Get it, Girl!!!!!!

To All Higher Vibrational Beings on the Planet......

Stay on your path
Follow your truth

We are here to take care of our lives
and to make our contributions to the whole
those seated in light are more powerful than those seated in shadow and illusions

those seated in shadow want energy and attention
they want to distract you
they are bored, lost and seek drama
ignore them and stay on your course

We have a divine right to do what we are divinely guided to do
and those with the backbone to do it, bless you
and remember that the egos of others is absolutely none of your business

Peace and light to all of those serving the divine plan of light (smile)!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013


It is so lovely when a detox occurs
when the toxic energy leaves your life
When the toxic states leave your body & aura
when the toxic people disperse
when the lower vbrational places and situations fall away

Purification keeps us young
It keeps us clear
It keeps up strong
It keeps on the straight and narrow

Spiritual detoxification does the trick
in bringing in more light and love into your life

Happy May!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Beltane (Yeah!!!!!!)

It is the time of The Lovers
the honoring of sacred marriage and union
btwn our masculine and feminine energies

Happy Beltane, Everyone!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

My Inner World Creates My Outer World


I know that my inner world creates my outer world
I know that my thoughts, my visions, my beliefs, my intentions, my words, and my energy
will create my future reality
so I am mindful of how I use my personal energy
knowing that where I put my mind & energy will create

I allow myself to be confident, powerful, clear, centered, grounded, and beautiful
I allow myself to ignore & avoid dense, lower energetic people & situations
I focus only on what I love, enjoy, and want
I allow myself to receive the blessings of The Goddess in all its many forms
I know that I am worthy and deserving of much good

I am very excited about what I am creating in this season, for next season, and for this year
I know that what I attract will be equal to the energy I have put out into inner world

I know exactly what I am doing (smile)
and my divine self knows exactly what I am doing
and it all feels quite wonderful

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spirit is Power

Spirit is courageous
Spirit knows what to do
and the best way to do it
Spirit knows the quickest way to get things done
Spirit does not bother about the ego
Spirit does not lose faith
Spirit does not break
Spirit does not bend
Spirit is powerful
Spirit sticks to its truth

As a spiritual being,
who occupies her entire body and auric space
I follow the nature of spirit

I am my Divine Mother's Daughter

And so it is!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Truth is.....

The truth is...
that spirit is real
guides, psychic stuff, healing arts, magic is all real
when you become aware of this
you can enrich yourself
you can heal
you can become stronger
you can hold more light and energy

when you do,
many things and many people wants to be closer to you because of it
they want to be near your light
but the truth is everyone has to heal there own stuff
and be a light for themselves

shadow is a teacher
shadow is also a painful place to be
and the truth is that many people live in shadow
because it takes great courage and work to live in the light

we can make a commitment to ourselves, to being authentic,
to be who we are and to following our truthes
we can stay in the shadow and ego

This is the choice we must make.....

Friday, April 19, 2013

Today is a Good day!!!!!!

There is Only One Power and I called it "The Goddess"
and I am One with her

There is balance
and I am attaining it

There is truth
and I walk in it

There is goodness
and my being is filled with it

There is divinity
and I am one with it

Today is a good day
Everyday of my life is a good day!!!!!!!

And so it is!!!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Ignorance is Bliss!!!!

You have to love the ego
It is amazing to me

how people can know absolutely nothing about a certain topic
ex: shamaniam, psychic protection, reiki,etc
they have never heard of it
they never took a class or workshop in it
they never studied it
they don't really believe in it
and they never read any material about it
but they are so quick to try to tell you
that you know nothing about it
you couldn't actually be into it,  teach it, study it, or practice it

Open up your minds people
and give you egos a rest

I am a certain vibration of being
my work is aligned with a certain vibration
those who are in alignment with it will be drawn to it and use it for their higher good
and those whose energy is lower may not understand it its truth or beauty
they world is bigger than you are
and there may be many things in the world that you are not familiar with (smile)

The more you know (shooting star)

Friday, April 12, 2013


Yes to all my blessings each day!!!!
Yes to a great year!!!!!!
Yes to all my abundance!!!!!!!!
Yes to my path!!!!!
Yes to my work!!!!!!
Yes to my soul!!!!!!
Yes to my dedication!!!!!!!
Yes to my focus!!!!
Yes to all my energy!!!!!!!
Yes to Today!!!!!!
Yes to The Goddess!!!!!


Monday, April 8, 2013

What I do....

I follow my own truth
I walk in light when many around me walk in shadow
I heal and clear myself
I listen to the divine will by listening to my heart
I trust myself
I don't let other people's ego stop me on my path
I say what goes on in my life
I add light to the planet
I get bigger with each day
I love me
and then I love me some more (smile)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thank You, Source (smile)!!!!!!


Thank you!!!!

I see your Divine will
I see how everything serves my highest good
I see how I am meant to get better, stronger, clearer, and more powerful
I see how every experience can empower me
I can see how grand I am
how spacious I have become
I am grateful
I feel better
I feel alive
I feel focused
I feel supported
I am who I am meant to be

Everything has a purpose
and I have mine

I am on my path, Great Mother,
and all is happening in my life for my highest and greatest good
I see it, I feel it, I know it

And so it is (smile)!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

On The Right Path

I am grateful for my path and my life!!!!
I am grateful for my work!!!!
I am grateful for my spritual practice!!!!!
I am gratful for my abundance!!!!!!
I am gratful for my vitality!!!!!!

I am proud of how much I have developed as a spiritual being
I am proud of my strength and power as a human being
My auric space feels amazing
My mental body is strong and sharp
I am focused on the good and positive
I am my own ruler
and creating an extraordinary for myself

There is nothing like being a higher vibrational being!!!!!!
There is nothing like serving the Light!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Sun Goddess

I am my authentic self
I align with the will of my divine self
I am created from the Divine Source
I am the center of my own universe

I am here to follow my truth
and to "do me"

and that is all there is to it

nothing can stop me
no one can hinder me
and I will get to where I want to go

so to all of my stalkers, jealous folks, groupies, toxic people obsessed with me, crazed paparazzi and haters
"I love you!!!! Make it a great day!!!!!! (smile)"

to all my fans, supporters, clients, and spiritual family of light
"I love you!!!! Make it a great day!!!!!! (smile)"

Straight from the mouth of  "The Sun Goddess"

Get Your Shine on!!!!!!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Morning, World!!!!!!


It is soo great...this path
it is all so exciting
all the experiences
all the lessons
all the growth
all the amazing people
all the amazing places

so much goodness
so much support
so much fun
so much to see and do

It is great being me!!!!!
I enjoy being the star of my own show!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Beautiful New Season

How great it is to awake each day
to focus on what I love and want
to see the good
to be who I am
to allow myself to be led by spirit

How great it is to follow my heart
to work each day on making my dreams come true
to make myself my own boss
my own authority

When I come across toxic people
who don't respect or love themselves enough
it allows me to practice my compassion and detachment
it allows me to come back to my spiritual practice
it allows me to see how big and spacious I am as a spiritual being
it allows me to see my own mindfulness and kindness
Thank You Divine Source!!!!!

We all can chose how we want to live our lives....
I chose to live my life from a place of trust, light, health, beauty, clarity, power, and happiness


Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Spring!!!!

The time of the maiden is here
the time of spring, of sweetness, and light
I am grateful

I am working on and towards so many great things
I am getting sooo much done
it is all very amazing and exciting
all the lessons
all the growth
and the beauty of it all

I love myself
I love my body
I love my path
and I love my life

Thank you to the earth and nature for this great season

Happy Spring!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2013: Manifesting My New Perfect Home In L.A.

There is nothing like having your own beautiful home
that is catered to your needs
I am preparing to move into my next new Los Angeles home
I am very happy about it all

There is so much to look forward to.......
The spaciousness
The beautiful furniture
The privacy
The large windows that pour in light
A place for all my belongings
The quiet
The glorious, clean neighborhood full of green

So much to do (smile)
I am very excited by all that is taking place
and this grand process

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Focus on My Good

I am living in a state and city that I want to
I have great work and projects
I am healthy and beautiful
I have great self-esteem and confidence
I am creating an amazing life for myself
I am powerful and clear
I have the spiritual awareness to treat my myself with love, kindness, and respect
I see the good all around me

There is so many blessings, so much light, so much positivity around me.....

Today is a Good day!!!!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Shining Brightly!!!!!

It is awesome to co-create reality with My Source
It is wonderful to change myself and my life
It is great to heal myself and come into better alignment with my inner truth
It is amazing to stand in light and be able to show love to the darkness
It is a blessing to be who I am

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I am Lovin It!!!!

I am loving myself, my body, my path, and my life
I am loving my beauty, my confidence, my focus, my courage, my health, and my clarity
I am loving all of my fans and supporters
I am loving all the light in my life and on the planet
I am loving this new day and this great week

I love everything
because it all comes from My Source

Thank you, Great Mother Goddess!!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Keep it Light

How important it is to remember.....
to keep it light
to flow my song
to come back to my center
to remember that "All is well"

I carry my happiness with me at all times (smile)

Celebrating my 100th post on this blog!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Do not fight .....

"Do not fight the darkness.
Let the light in and the darkness will disappear"

~Quote by Maharishi

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thank You!!!!!

Thank you to all you fine people who read my daily thoughts blog
I appreciate you visiting me here
and taking the time to read me


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

One Direction

The direction that my intuition leads
The direction that feels good
That makes me beam
That is the direction I am heading
Onward and upward.....

Monday, February 25, 2013

My Work Will Be World Famous

I love all my work and projects
I love the purpose behind all of it
I love that it serves me and the whole
My voice is important
No one can do what I do
Only I can make my contribution to the whole
My work will become world famous
and I will have tons of fun doing it along the way (smile)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Ripple Effect

I like the light and power that comes from being a higher vibrational being
I like our confidence
I like our discipline
I like that when we are around everything changes
You can't stop the sun from shining

My presence is my power

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I am a Goddess Priestess

My Life is my own
My lessons I will learn
I take responsiblity for myself
I create my own reality
and I say what is right for me

I am a Goddess Priestess
and nature is my teacher
I am at the center of my own universe

And so it is!!!!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Some People Are Meant to Set The World on Fire

Some people are meant to set the world on fire
Some are willing to take the ricks
Some are willing to follow their hearts
Some are willing to do the impossible
Some are willing to walk in the opposite direction

There are many people who are normal
but there are few who are extraordinary (smile)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Young American

It is nice being who I am
It is nice being beautiful
It is nice being healthy
It is nice being courageous
It is nice being clear
It is nice being focused
It is nice being talented
It is nice being organized
It is nice being centered
It is nice being grounded in my being

It is nice being ME (smile)!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

There is Only One Power

That power is The Goddess
The Goddess is my Source
The Goddess knows what is best for me
She knows what I need
So I choose to follow her
As Me

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What a Wonderful Universe!!!!!!!

I am so grateful for my path
I am so grateful for all the light I hold
I am grateful for my practice and my jouney

When I see all the different kinds of energies that are out there
all the people with their drama, their addictions, their loneliness, their anger,
their disease, their saddness, their unwillingness to look at themselves and heal themselves

It makes me more grateful
that I am willing to know myself, willing to heal, willing to grow,
willing to come into alignment with that divine power
and willing to follow my own truth

Life is a blessing, if you allow it in!!!!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Gorgeous New Week!!!!!!!

A new day
A new week
Bursts of glorious energy to put towards people and things I enjoy
The Divine speaking to me
The earth beneath me
Light filling up my body and my life
I am on a path
and starting a new day
I am full of faith and focus

I give thanks!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

I Am Secure In The Divine Goddess

No human would ever do anything to harm another if Connected to Source because when you're Connected, you're empowered; you don't feel insecure. And when you don't feel insecure, you don't need to do something to somebody else that you're afraid of, because you're not afraid. You understand that Well-Being is yours.

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Sunday, February 27th, 2005 # 717
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry Hicks)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Being in Love with Myself & The Source ...First

Happy Valentine's, everyone!!!!!!

Make time to meditate on love today
and what it means to you
send loving words and thoughts to yourself
express it to those you love
and share it with others you may come across
Love creates all the worlds

When you find vibrational alignment with You, you personally thrive. You feel good; you look good; you have stamina; you have energy; you have balance; you have clarity; you have wit; you have abundance of all things that you consider to be good. You thrive in all ways when you come into Energy Balance with You. Vibrational Relativity - that's what it's all about.
--- Abraham - Hicks

Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, May 1st, 2005 # 716

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Am Feeling Me

I am feeling my light
I am feeling my beauty
I am feeling my bravery
I am feeling my Source
I am feeling my swagger (damn right, smile)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Birthday Girl (Feeling like a Superstar)

My birthday is here
and I am feeling great
and empowered
I am feeling like a giant
I have healed so much in the lifetime so far
I have assisted so many people
I have a great connection to my divine self
I have great work & projects
I am growing everyday
I am blessed and beautiful
I am focused and clear
I am centered and grounded

I know what I am doing
and where I am going

The Age of Aquarius has my back!!!!!!!!!

I am grateful!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to the Birthday!!!!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Buddha Mind

I get to be me
to spread my light
to share my voice
to practice my spirituality

I am getting my Buddha mind on
I am doing my lightworker thing
I am celebrating The Goddess
I am doing the work of The Divine everyday
in grace, light, truth, power and beauty

I create my own reality
and I am grateful!!!!!!!!!

And so it is!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My New Goddess Year


A new Goddess Year....

new opportunities
new adventures
new friends
new possiblities
more power
more energy
more wisdom
more lessons
more to be grateful for

I am very excited
and looking forward to my new Goddess/pagan Year


Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank you to the Shadow, Ego, and Lower Energies

Thank you, Goddess, for the shadow, ego and lower energies

they help me to see my beauty
they help me to see my power
they help me to see my courage
they help me to see my health
they help me to see my focus
they help me to see my patience
they help me to see my strength
they help me to see my disclipine
they help me to see my truth
they help me to see my light

Thank you, Divine Mother!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Art History - Art Herstory

How Great!!!!

I went to college for art history
and I studied art, sculpture and architecture
and as I move into this new phase of my life
I claim the stance of artist
and I get to study dance, song, modeling, film/tv and acting
and I come back full circle

I love my life!!!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Go with The Force

There is a power
that creates everything
that empowers everything
and it is behind "everything" I do

And so it is!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Loving You

I am loving you Great Mother Goddess
I am loving you Nature
I am loving you 2013
I am loving you Earth Mother
I am loving you body
I am loving you, all my spiritual family of light in my personal life
I am loving you, all of my supporters and fans

I am loving you, Ten Neb (smile)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Being A Shining Example

Taking the high road
and being a shining example for yourself and to the whole
moving in a place of light
through the darkness and illusion

being your best self
committing to your truth and heart
following your intuition
using everything in your life
to make yourself better
more focused
more authentic

this is the path
this is the practice

This is The Goddess!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

There is Alot of Jealously Around Me

I create my own reality
and my path is my path
it is amazing how much jealously
I attract from lower vibartional people

I am not responsible for other people
I do my part to bring light and positivity to the whole each day
I do my part to heal and clear myself which affects the whole as well
I make my relationship with myself & The Divine Source my top priority

Lower vibational people think I am their center
They become jealous of me, my confidence, my beauty, my work,
my energy and my path
They become groupies, stalkers, haters, etc.
as a way to try and connect with me and my light
They are looking for energy and power
They want to feel better, want me to fix them or heal them on some level

They become soooooooo obsessed with me
Gossiping, lying, condemning, judging, competing with me
All out of jealously
I already know it all stems from jealously
It always does

Many of you lower vibrational beings
who are obsessed with me and spending most of your day focused on me in negative ways
Need to be willing to deal with your own fears, insecurities, shortcomings, and lives
I am not the reason you are so unhappy
You are responsible for yourselves
You created whatever problems you have in your life
and someone outside of you can't give you what you are looking for...
self-love, self-respect, confidence, joy, security, inner beauty, peace and well-being

I am obligated & responsible to myself
My life is my own
I will walk my path no matter what
and allow my light to shine

Love and light,
Ten Nebula (smile)